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    1. FATCA terms and condidtions (additional) QISDownload

    2. (Securities) ICBC Smart Account Service Naming NoticeDownload

    3. The Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance NoticeDownload

    4. Shanghai and Shenzhen Stock Connect-Securities Trading Agreement and Risk DisclosureDownload

    5. Securities Trading Agreement and Risk DisclosureDownload

    6. Securities Trading InfoDownload

    7. Futures Trading Agreement and Risk DisclosureDownload

    8. Futures Margin PolicyDownload

    9. (Futures) Notes for deposit and withdrawlDownload

    10. Zhongtai Int'l Securities Ltd Fees and ChargesDownload

    11. Guide of Deposit and Activation for Online Account Opening CustomerDownload

    12. List of affected Publicly Traded Partnership (PTP)Download